IE was engaged by an ASX top 50 company with tens of thousands of staff across 90 locations to deliver a current and future assessment, recommendations on key opportunities, and a delivery roadmap focused on solving any data capability gaps.
How might we identify existing and future data capabilities needed to empower our team to make informed data-driven decisions and recommendations regarding office spaces and how employees are engaging with them?
Current state discovery
Our consulting team engaged with over 20 key stakeholders across multiple locations to gain a holistic view of the problem space, including senior leaders and teams across the business. We engaged through several key formats including product walkthroughs, strategic planning processes, interviews, and workshops which were all delivered virtually.
Identifying opportunity areas
Our team categorised our capability needs, pain points, gaps and opportunities into eight key opportunity areas which could provide potentially significant value. To better explain the levels of data capability maturity to senior leaders, we introduced our data capability framework to better explain the levels of data capability maturity to senior leaders. Our eight opportunity areas were mapped to this maturity framework to highlight current state capability and where there is potential for improvement.
Execution roadmap: review, refine, and present.
Following Discovery, we worked closely with the client to review, refine, and create a prioritised execution roadmap for our identified opportunities. IE facilitated workshops with key senior stakeholders to create alignment delivery priorities - key risks and wider organisational dependencies.
The solution delivered a current state assessment (capability needs, pain points and opportunities) and a defined future state vision for the client with a delivery roadmap which was categorised into three distinct workstreams with multiple horizons of deliverables. We created several briefing documents which distilled our discovery findings and recommendations into summaries for senior management to make informed decisions on how we can best reach the desired future state vision. These documents included;
1. An executive summary: One-page overview for senior management
2. A summary of workstreams: One-page overview for senior management on key milestones and top-level details for each workstream.
3. A detail of workstreams A, B, and C: One-page workstream overview which includes key decisions, potential risks and identified complexities/dependencies.